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   How to configure WebMux for multiple ISP uplinks

The Requirement

Starting at firmware version 8.5.00, WebMux supports multiple ISP uplinks through multiple tag-based VLANs. Switches used with the WebMux must support trunk ports and tag-based VLANs. If your ISP router does not support tag based VLANs, your switch must also allow you to untag the port that belongs to the VLAN connecting to this router.

Let′s consider a fictitious company, it has two ISP uplinks and networks. Each ISP uses the .1 address as its router address. We select network as primary ISP, for which WebMux will direct all outgoing traffic initiated behind WebMux through that ISP. The reason we select network as primary ISP is because that link has bigger pipe. If this ISP link fails, the WebMux automatically switches to using the as the network gateway. Replies to incoming traffic will be sent to the ISP from which it came.

Company also has the need for two different department subnets, and We'll use VLAN IDs 200 and 210 for the two ISP uplinks and VLAN IDs 300 and 310 for the servers in the private subnets.

WebMux′s Configuration

From the LCD/keypad, we set the WebMux′s router LAN IP address to, netmask, default gateway (router′s IP address). We set VLAN ID 200 to this network. This will be the default gateway for outgoing traffic originated from servers. We configure its server LAN to be and its server LAN gateway at, using VLAN ID 300. We set the WebMux not to run solo (have a backup). We reboot the WebMux with save the configuration.

After the WebMux boots, ssh into WebMux′s superuser′s command line shell from the WebMux′s diagnostic TCP port. Unless changed this port will be 77. From Linux machines the correct ssh command will be:
ssh -l superuser -p 77
Log in with user "superuser". The default password unless changed is also "superuser". After logging in, at the command prompt type:
nwconfig -A ISP12 -i -g -v 210
nwconfig -A server2 -i -v 310

"nwconfig -A ISP12 -i -g -v 210" places the new network with VLAN ID 210 on the router LAN side WebMux, and "nwconfig -A server2 -i -v 310" (without -g option) creates a VLAN on the server LAN side of the WebMux. The "ISP12" and "server2" are the network labels. The IP address is the server2 LAN gateway address, This address must be used as its default gateway for for any load balanced server in that VLAN. At this point, you have two ISP uplinks configured and two VLAN based server LANs configured. Using the "New Farm" screen add a farm on the network, then use the MAP feature "add address/port" to add second ISP address port to the same farm.

If you have more ISP uplinks and more server VLANs, you can repeat the above steps for them. Please note the network label for the ISP links will determine their fail-over sequence, based on their alphanumeric sequence.

Switch Configuration and other Consideration

When you have configured switch to have the VLAN ID, please make sure the switch port used by WebMux is assigned to have this VLAN tag. If the ISP router does not support tag based VLAN, please set its switch port to join the VLAN ID but untagged. Since the switch port used by WebMux will have more than one VLAN ID, please make sure that the port is configured join all necessary VLANs or set the port to be a trunk port.

Please do not mix tag based VLAN configuration with non-VLAN configuration, since the non-VLAN interface will cause traffic from different VLAN to mix. This configuration example can be used for NAT and Transparent mode. With OOP mode, WebMux automatically bond (LACP) the Router LAN interface and Server LAN interface together.

The VLAN configuration from the primary WebMux is not automatically send to backup WebMux. The administrator must remember to manually configure the VLANs on both primary and backup WebMux. The farm and server configuration will be automatically synced up between the primary and backup WebMux.

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